New website helps Kansas City region reduce food waste

Sep 19, 2023
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Person emptying a bowl of food scraps into a compost bin

Food waste has an enormous negative impact on our community, economy and the environment. Americans throw away nearly one-third of the food we buy every year, which costs the average household $1,800. Kansas City Food Wise is a new regional website that aims to reduce food waste and build a sustainable food system in the metro.

Kansas City Food Wise is the result of a two-year Sustainable Materials Management Grant provided by the U.S Environmental Protection Agency, Region 7 to the Mid-America Regional Council (MARC).

The website provides the following food waste reduction strategies and resources:

  • Simple steps people can take to reduce food waste through planning, shopping, storage, preparation, eating habits, sharing and composting. 
  • A food system map that builds connections among individuals and organizations who are part of our regional food system. The map includes listings for community gardens, compost operations, food kitchens, food pantries, gleaning operations, livestock, urban farms and food access programs.
  • An information hub featuring the latest news, event listings, volunteer opportunities and related job postings. 

Additionally, the upcoming Kansas City Regional Food Loss and Waste Reduction Action Plan will provide a comprehensive set of solutions to reduce the amount of food that is wasted in our region.

For more information, please visit