Call for info.
Commercial services only
6300 Stadium Dr.
Kansas City, MO 64129
United States
Special Instructions
Provides hazardous waste disposal for commercial entities only.
- Recycle
- Business
- Pickup
Materials Accepted
- Appliances and Furniture
- Furnaces and Heat Pumps
- Heaters - Space | Outdoor | Garage | Construction
- Large Appliances - Refrigerators | Dehumidifiers | Air Conditioners | Freezers | Etc.
- Large Appliances - Dryers | Ranges | Ovens | Stoves | Etc.
- Large Appliances - Washers | Dryers | Water Heaters | Etc.
- Water Softeners
- Art / Craft / Hobby Supplies
- Fabric Accessories | Dyes | Paint | Etc.
- Sewing Machines
- Automotive
- Automotive Oil Filters
- Automotive Fluids - Power Steering Fluid |
See website for store hours.
306 SW Hwy. 7
Blue Springs, MO 64014
United States
Special Instructions
Fluids accepted include motor oil, gear oil and coolant. Learn more.
- Recycle
- Residential
Materials Accepted
- Automotive
- Automotive Oil Filters
- Automotive Fluids - Antifreeze | Brake Fluid| Windshield Fluid | Etc.
- Motor Oil / Engine Oil
- Batteries
- Lead Acid / Car Batteries - Vehicles | Motorcycles | Boats | Etc.
See website for location hours.
201 N. 7 Hwy.
Blue Springs, MO 64015
United States
Special Instructions
Motor oil
Five gallon limit per visit. Deliver used oil in a clean, leak-proof container. Do not mix oil with any other substances.
- Recycle
- Residential
See store website for hours.
306 NW 7 Hwy.
Blue Springs, MO 64014
United States
Special Instructions
Accepted for free, must contain antifreeze only, no mixtures.
Accepted for free. Learn more.
Fee charged.
Oil and Oil Filters
Accept for free. Oil must contain oil only, no mixtures. Learn more.
Petroleum-Based Automotive Fluids
Accept other petroleum-based automotive fluids, contact first.
- Recycle
- Residential
Materials Accepted
- Automotive
- Automotive Oil Filters
- Automotive Fluids - Antifreeze | Brake Fluid| Windshield Fluid | Etc.
- Tires - Car | Truck | SUV | Etc.
- Motor Oil / Engine Oil
- Batteries
- Lead Acid / Car Batteries - Vehicles | Motorcycles | Boats | Etc.
Contact for hours.
1000 NE Sam Walton Ln.
Lee’s Summit, MO 64086
United States
Special Instructions
Accepts motor oil, oil filters, vehicle batteries and tires. Fee charged for tires.
Plastic Bags and Wrap
The following types of bags and film are NOT recyclable:
• Salad bags
• Snack bags & wrappers (chips, candy, etc.)
• Pouches (cheese, tuna, trail mix, etc.)
• Foil coffee bags
• Frozen food bags
• Pet food bags
• Floral wrap (cellophane)
• Cling wrap
• Bedding & garment bags (usually clear with zipper)
• Landscape bags (fertilizer, mulch, topsoil, etc.)
For a complete list of recyclable and non-recyclable plastics, visit What Can Go In My Recycling Bin?
Walmart partners with Lion’s Club to collect used eyeglasses. Call Walmart’s vision center first to see if they are a participating location.
Prescription Medications
Accepts unneeded and expired prescriptions and over-the-counter medications.
Does not accept:
- Aerosols
- Batteries
- Chemicals (lotions, hydrogen peroxide, rubbing alcohol, etc.)
- Chemotherapy waste
- Illegal drugs
- Inhalers
- Iodine-containing medications
- Medical devices
- Mercury-containing devices
- Sharps (needles, syringes, lancets, auto injectors, etc.)
- Recycle
- Residential
Materials Accepted
- Automotive
- Automotive Oil Filters
- Tires - Car | Truck | SUV | Etc.
- Motor Oil / Engine Oil
- Clothing and Accessories
- Eyeglasses
- Hazardous Waste
- Prescriptions and Medications
- Plastic
- Air Pillows | Bubble Wrap
- Bread Bags
- Case Wrap - Bottled Water | Etc.
- Cereal / Cracker Bags
- Dry Cleaning Bags
- Ice Bags
See store website for hours.
16675 E. 23rd St. S.
Independence, MO 64055
United States
Special Instructions
Accepted for free, must contain antifreeze only, no mixtures.
Accepted for free. Learn more.
Fee charged.
Oil and Oil Filters
Accept for free. Oil must contain oil only, no mixtures. Learn more.
Petroleum-Based Automotive Fluids
Accept other petroleum-based automotive fluids, contact first.
- Recycle
- Residential
Materials Accepted
- Automotive
- Automotive Oil Filters
- Automotive Fluids - Antifreeze | Brake Fluid| Windshield Fluid | Etc.
- Tires - Car | Truck | SUV | Etc.
- Motor Oil / Engine Oil
- Batteries
- Lead Acid / Car Batteries - Vehicles | Motorcycles | Boats | Etc.
See store website for hours.
7575 Wornall
Kansas City, MO 64114
United States
Special Instructions
Accepted for free, must contain antifreeze only, no mixtures.
Accepted for free. Learn more.
Fee charged.
Oil and Oil Filters
Accept for free. Oil must contain oil only, no mixtures. Learn more.
Petroleum-Based Automotive Fluids
Accept other petroleum-based automotive fluids, contact first.
- Recycle
- Residential
Materials Accepted
- Automotive
- Automotive Oil Filters
- Automotive Fluids - Antifreeze | Brake Fluid| Windshield Fluid | Etc.
- Tires - Car | Truck | SUV | Etc.
- Motor Oil / Engine Oil
- Batteries
- Lead Acid / Car Batteries - Vehicles | Motorcycles | Boats | Etc.
See store website for hours.
8680 Blue Ridge Blvd.
Kansas City, MO 64138
United States
Special Instructions
Fluids accepted include motor oil, gear oil and coolant. Learn more.
- Recycle
Materials Accepted
- Automotive
- Automotive Oil Filters
- Automotive Fluids - Antifreeze | Brake Fluid| Windshield Fluid | Etc.
- Motor Oil / Engine Oil
- Batteries
- Lead Acid / Car Batteries - Vehicles | Motorcycles | Boats | Etc.
See store website for hours.
9841 E. Hwy. 350
Raytown, MO 64133
United States
Special Instructions
Accepted for free, must contain antifreeze only, no mixtures.
Accepted for free. Learn more.
Fee charged.
Oil and Oil Filters
Accept for free. Oil must contain oil only, no mixtures. Learn more.
Petroleum-Based Automotive Fluids
Accept other petroleum-based automotive fluids, contact first.
- Recycle
- Residential
Materials Accepted
- Automotive
- Automotive Oil Filters
- Automotive Fluids - Antifreeze | Brake Fluid| Windshield Fluid | Etc.
- Tires - Car | Truck | SUV | Etc.
- Motor Oil / Engine Oil
- Batteries
- Lead Acid / Car Batteries - Vehicles | Motorcycles | Boats | Etc.
See website for store hours.
9305 E. State Route 350
Kansas City, MO 64133
United States
Special Instructions
Fluids accepted include motor oil, gear oil and coolant. Learn more.
- Recycle
- Residential
Materials Accepted
- Automotive
- Automotive Oil Filters
- Automotive Fluids - Antifreeze | Brake Fluid| Windshield Fluid | Etc.
- Motor Oil / Engine Oil
- Batteries
- Lead Acid / Car Batteries - Vehicles | Motorcycles | Boats | Etc.